Friday, October 3, 2014

Pregnant? Bring on the Guilt...

Between running to the store for the test, peeing on the stick, and waiting for one or two lines to determine your fate...everything can change.

Were you trying to conceive? 
What will happen if you're pregnant? 
What if you're not? 
Are you ready to be a parent? 

Check the test...

Two lines show up!

Only one thing is for certain. If that pregnancy test is accurate, prepare to be judged. Every single decision you make after those two little lines is up for criticism. Somehow your person life becomes open for judgement and suddenly everyone is giving you advice. Most of it unwanted. 

It took me a while to come up with the name of this blog, but I felt Guilt Free Mommying was best. (No offense to the dads...I just thought Mommying sounded cooler than parenting) It is hard to avoid the guilt, probably thanks to the crazy hormones attacking your body from conception all the way to postpartum. No matter what you do, someone will always try to guilt you into doing it "their" way. 

If I've learned one thing during my pregnancy and ten weeks of my sons's that parenting is definitely a choose your own adventure book not a one size fits all novel.